Barry Wasson

In Loving Memory of

Barry Wasson

22 June 1963 - 21 August 2024

Service Details

Date & Time

30 August 2024 at 10.30am


Windsor Park Baptist Church, 550 East Coast Road, Mairangi Bay

Please wear no formal dress, Barry's family request colourful and vibrant clothing (with a touch of Irish emerald). Barry's family also humbly ask that in lieu of flowers or other gifts please consider donating to Sistema Aotearoa
We feel this organisation reflects Barry’s values, his passion for music, and helping others.

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5 September 2024

I remember the 2023 band camp, when I broke my collarbone by being a complete idiot on the waterslide. Of course Mr Wasson was the first person there, and he wasn't mad, he was just worried. I suppose he was dreading the paperwork. He kept saying "dont worry, its not broken" and "it would hurt much more if it was broken". Well it may have been one of my less proud moments but I wouldn't change a thing about it. I've got a notch in my collarbone where it broke, and I'll always remember him by it. He'll always be the awe inspiring heavy metal tuba player that conducted our bands.

3 September 2024

Mr Wasson was one of my favourite teachers - I always looked forward to concert band with him. He was always willing to help whenever needed and you could tell how much he loved and cared about music. Knowing I will never be able to speak to Barry again fills me with sadness. An amazing mentor and teacher, and incredibly kind and supportive person - rest in peace.

Jason Zheng

2 September 2024


1 September 2024

Mr. Wasson was one of the most supportive, kind, and passionate teachers I have ever met. I still remember being in wind band in form 3, when he complimented my musicianship. He is the reason that I started really putting effort into playing saxophone, because he believed in me so much. His infectiously positive attitude and passion towards music has changed so many lives, including mine. Thank you so much for everything sir. - HQ

Huanran Qin

31 August 2024

Barry was always a great teacher and without him, I would have never sought out a musical career. He was always supportive in both concert band and composing, and he loved working through compositions with me. He was very excited this year to play one of his own student's piece - mine, and he was so encouraging to the boys that they will love it and held the band together to pull through. I am honored that his final piece that he ever conducted his own student's and I dedicate 'Skydome' in memory of Barry. Rest in peace and you will be dearly missed.

Ki Hoon Sung

30 August 2024

Even I just met Mr Wasson few times in AGS school in musical events with my son. His kindness, patience and professionalism were impressed me a lot. His passing is a huge loss for the family and the students including my son who favorite time in a week is Tuesday morning doing the wind band rehearsals with Mr Wasson. Now, we still can't believe he has left us already. Such a great gentleman.Rest in peace, Mr Wasson. You are still living in our hearts.

Summer Xia

30 August 2024

Mr Wasson taught my son in AGS for more than one and a half year. He is the teacher who my son talked most and loves most. I met Mr Wasson for

Summer Xia

30 August 2024

Mr Wasson was one of the kindest and most inspiring teachers throughout my nearly 10 years of schooling. Despite only knowing him for a year or so, I have fond memories of him, from auditions to rehearsals to music camp. When I first came to Auckland Grammar School in the middle of last year, he was the one who helped me organise itinerant clarinet lessons at school, despite me being a late addition. He then introduced me to Wind Band, where we rehearsed every Tuesday. Mr Wasson really believed in everyone, no matter what your music level was. He gave our development group so much attention and made each of us feel special. He made early morning rehearsals a highlight of the week. Ultimately, he made playing music fun and bonded with all of us. He stayed with us until after KBB, conducting until the end. It's absolutely heartbreaking that someone like Mr Wasson has left us so early. I will never forget his welcoming smile, energy and kindness. I will always remember his passion conducting in front of me. I am grateful to have Mr Wasson as my first conductor. Rest In Peace Sir 🕊️ Fly High!

Danny Hu

30 August 2024

Mr Barry Wasson is someone that changed my life in AGS (Auckland Grammar School). He introduced me to brass instruments, which previously I would never expect to learn. He led me into group performances through Wind Band and I've really enjoyed the time I've spent with him throughout these two years. Inspired from him, I've learnt the Tuba, the same instrument he plays during his active years in music performances. He also directed me into a whole different perspective of music: When I actually enjoy learning it instead of doing it as a task. It's incredibly heartbreaking to see such a great man leaving us so early. However, I'm sure he enjoyed his great and honourable life, which we most definitely should acknowledge and celebrate. Rest in peace, Mr Wasson.

Felix Yutong Li

30 August 2024

What a beautiful service, so much love. As I was watching I was reminded of Barry's humour. I had occasion to hire a car along with Eryl Roberts when I was at music college. Part of the booking system was to provide a contact phone number of someone who could describe you in real time to the person making the booking. We made the questionable decision to provide Barry's number - in our young brains he was the most grown up person we knew. The lady phoned him and Barry described us as only Barry could . . . We stood as she descended into hysterics at Barry's description of us. She called over her colleagues and Barry described us to successive Salford Van Hire employees all of whom were literally crying with laughter. To this day I don't know what he said but it makes me smile when I think about it.

Iain Dixon

30 August 2024

Really happy to play with Mr Wasson for nearly 2 year. still remember my first audition in F4, I got poor English and he explained to me the different bands we have really slow and clearly. Thanks for allow me join PCB and teach me music. Mr. Wasson, A very gentlemanly teacher, . Rest in peace Bill

Bill Wang

30 August 2024

Barry, or as I knew him, Mr Wasson, was a kind and gentle soul who had a massive impact on me during my time at school. His passion for music and dedication to concert band was an inspiration to myself and the other boys. I have fond memories of band camp, early morning rehearsals, and performing pieces such as Danny Boy, Mambo, and Jekyll and Hyde. It was a privilege when he chose me to lead concert band in 7th form, and I still remember the delight, joy, and pride he had when the band was invited to perform at the gala concert, then winning our first Gold and Best NZ Performance in many years. Barry was more than a teacher to me - he was a role model, a mentor, and a friend. I am grateful to have known him, and to have all these memories to look back on. Arohanui to your whanau, and may you rest in peace.

Charlie Lin

30 August 2024

What a lovely send off today for such a top guy! Katie and the rest of the family; you all spoke so beautifully. We have such lovely, fond memories of camping at Otemure with you. Big love to you all. Sorry we didn't stay for a cup of tea afterwards but you have been in our thoughts all day xxx

Lara and Mark Brown

30 August 2024

Sorry for your sudden loss of Barry. May he rest in eternal peace. Praying for you all during this difficult time.


30 August 2024

An incredibly kind man. He helped more than he realised I'm sure, thank you for everything. He helped me to have faith in myself to pursue what I loved.

George Manning

30 August 2024

A beautiful guy and a very sad loss.

Iain Dixon

30 August 2024

Thank you so much Mr Wasson for all you have invested into my life. You have always been such and inspiration and have helped me so mich with trumpet. I have had yhe blessing to work alongside you and I will cherish the memories of our band. You were always kind and cared so much for our band. Thank you Sir, rest in peace

Caleb Wong

30 August 2024

Thank you Mr Wasson for for helping me with my musical journey. It's being an honour playing alongside him. And if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be in the wind band. So thank you for everything Mr Wasson. You will be missed

Fernando Montesinos

30 August 2024

Absolutely devastated to learn of Mr Wasson's passing. He was a core influence throughout our formative years, and we are all better for it as a result (although we could never seem to arrive to rehearsal on time 😅). His passion and dedication to his craft inspired all of us in Wind/Concert Band. A mentor in every sense of the word, Mr Wasson will truly be missed by all who knew him. Vale Mr Wasson, rest easy


29 August 2024

Mr Wasson, Thank you for helping us, and leading us in wind band. I was very happy to be your student and learn many thinkgs from you. You was kindest teacher that i ever met. I learned lots of things from you. You was a great conducter, and I hope you have a great rest i there. I miss you sir Rest in pieace Mr.Wasson

Jihwan Park

29 August 2024

One of the kindest humans I had the privilege of knowing, thank you so much for everything you did for us Mr Wasson. You will be missed dearly by us all. RIP

Shakeel S.

29 August 2024

Thank you Mr Wasson for making my time at high school truly wonderful! I've cherished many great memories under the Auckland Grammar Music department during my three years, especially with the concert band. May you rest in peace.

Kevin Park

29 August 2024

Mr Wasson was a kind teacher who inspired and brought passion into students. It’s a shame to see him pass as he was one of my most influential teachers.

29 August 2024

Back to the days at Auckland Grammar, Mr Wasson was the first person who believed I could be a composer. He helped me from each music note to my overall picture of music career. Without you I could never achieve so much. Thank you for all your contributions to the school and community. RIP

Abraham Jincheng Hu

29 August 2024

Barry, we will miss you on our beach walks. You always brought us much joy when you demonstrated your total lack of control over the dogs. 😁. If you run across Timon on your future journeys please let him know we miss him. May the road rise up to meet you. 💚

John and Peter and Khloe/Polly and Billie-Jean

29 August 2024

During my time at Grammar I played in the school bands, starting in the notorious Wind Band. Through Mr Wasson’s encouragement, engagement and expertise, I met my goal of playing Oboe for the Premier Concert Band. From rehearsals and camps, to auditions and conversations, Mr Wasson was a great leader and a genuine, good-hearted man. I will always remember you, Sir. Arohanui and rest in love ❤️

Etu Walker

29 August 2024

Mr Wasson was the most amazing person I ever knew. He helped me progress so much throughout my time as a musician at Auckland Grammar school. He was always so positive and was full of passion for the music we played. Thank you so much for being who you were. You will be dearly missed by so many. May you rest in peace.

Kāhu Sawyer

28 August 2024

I was happy because of Mr. Wasson. I will treat other people like you treated others. Thank you for leading us and you are my favorite. May the soul of the deceased rest in peace

Ian Cho

27 August 2024

Like many, the death of Barry Wasson came as a complete shock to me. I worked next to Barry for four years and remember his attention to detail. Whether it was the correct description for the timbre of a set GCSE piece or scouring the KBB marksheets, Barry was immersed in detail. He came into this world to sing his song and thousands of boys heard it and were the beneficiaries. He left us too early. Condolences to Katie and family. Tuba mirum.

Stuart Sherwood

27 August 2024

Dear Barry, I like to picture your smile. I’m sure you made many students feel at ease - perhaps when they needed it most, with that smile. I’ll picture you now smiling in heaven. I’d like to know if you’re conducting a group there - or maybe you’re playing tuba in the orchestra. Either way, may you rest in peace.

John Thomson

27 August 2024

Thank you for making me believe that i can write music. It was you who pushed me on and encouraged me to write and no doubt you have done far greater for others. Thank you for being my music teacher, it was life changing to meet someone so passionate as you were. Rest in peace Sir Arosh

Arosh Kaluthanthreege Don

27 August 2024

Thank you, Sir, for making my five years of high school worth remembering. Without your guidance and help, I would not have started composing. May you Rest in Peace.

Dev Murugian

27 August 2024

Dear Sir, We never met such an amazing person like you . Your legacy is not just in the subjects you have taught,but in the lives you have touched , and the dreams you have nurtured. RIP 'Sir' 🙏

Ranu,Ruhan,Rumika,Pavitra, Chamly

27 August 2024

It was an absolute pleasure to work in the Music Department at Auckland Grammar School with Barry. Despite only being in school two days a week (as an itinerant teacher), Barry was always incredibly welcoming and I miss our fun chats. Thank you so much, Barry, for your passion and drive to get the very best from each and every one of your students. The school has lost a true legend. RIP mate x

Tim Wayne-Wright

27 August 2024

Dearest Barry, in our twenties, on the journey to discover who we were, we shared a house in our second year at R.N.C.M. (Manchester) UK. We both discovered much. Love you, dear gentle Barry. Thank you for the walk on the beach with the dogs. I still hear your voice, John O'H


27 August 2024

Will fly to NZ from China to see you, Sir. RIP

Hanzhong Kang

27 August 2024

It was with great sadness I learned of Barry's passing. I had the pleasure of working alongside him at Auckland Grammar School. I have many fond memories of Barry and will remember him as a gifted musician, a fine educator and keen cook who always appreciated my baking!!! Most of all I will remember him for the keen love of his family and wife Katie and the boys in his band. He truly did care and we will miss him. All my love and fondest of memories. Donald Brown.

Donald Brown

26 August 2024

Thank you for the music! Mr Wasson.


26 August 2024

It was joy and a delight to work alongside Barry at Auckland Grammar School for more than 10 years. Even though I was only a part-timer (itinerant music) he was always welcoming and made one feel part of the team. He was always supportive and interested in what you brought to your role. He was one of the finest teachers I've known, and his passing is a tragic loss. It was a privilege to have known him.

David Hamilton

26 August 2024

Barry, We cherish the wonderful years we had together when our children were little. You were all such a big part of our lives. We have lost a most wonderful man with a massive Irish heart. We are all blessed to have known you.

The Goodwin family